47 Random Questions to Ask a Guy for an Amusing Convo

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This blog post is all about random questions to ask a guy for an amazing conversation.

Want to start a conversation with a guy? We have a list of random questions that make entertaining conversation starters. These questions came from out of the clear blue sky, but it will help you get to know a guy better and have a lot of fun.

Great conversations come from really random subjects. Doesn’t matter if it’s about favorite sports or a historical figure, these questions will keep the discussion interesting.

What random questions should you ask a guy?

It all depends on the relationship. If you are just getting to know him and you just met him. you could ask some interesting questions about travel family and movies.

If this is a friend of yours whom you know pretty well, then you could get to the REALLY random questions. Your questions could be about winning the lottery, obsessions, super powers and even aliens.

Did you know that there is a random questions generator? Yes, Google it. You could find great questions that you could ask a lot of people. That means if you don’t know what to ask you could easily make it a fun and interesting talk.

But if you are looking for random questions to ask a guy you may be interested in, then you may want to want to use our list of questions. Besides, a generator won’t ask questions about social media, a tv show or bad habits.

Here are the best random questions to ask…

47 Random Questions to Ask a Guy

  1. When did you cheat something and get away with it?

2. What are some of your personal rules you never break?

3. If you could have the answer to any one question, what question would you want the answer to?

4. What is your favorite Winter activity?

5. How was your day, really?

6. If you could time travel, where would you go?

7. Do you sing in the shower?

8. If you didn’t have to work, what would you do for the rest of your life?

9. Which movie do you most regret wasting two hours of you life on?

10. If you had a pet tiger, what would you name it?

11. What’s your opinion on credit cards?

12. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

13. What’s one thing you learned about yourself during quarantine?

14. What was the last show you binged watched?

15. Do you eat spicy food?

16. After knowing me, what to you think I should do for a living?

17. How often do you speak to your parents?

18. Who are you most likely to reveal a dark, provocative secret to?

19. Hypothetically, if you were on death row, what you be your last meal?

20. If you could trade lives with someone, who would it be?

21. If money was no object, what would you buy?

22. What phone apps are you obsessed with?

23. What’s your favorite drink?

24. What personality trait do you share with a famous person?

25. If you won the lottery, what charity would you donate a million dollars to?

26. What was your favorite book as child?

27. What part of you home is your favorite spot?

28. What is your current favorite song?

29.What is your favorite sports team?

30. What food do you know you shouldn’t eat, but can’t help yourself?

31. What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?

32. Who is the kindest person you know?

33. If magic was real, what spell would you try to learn first?

34. What superpower did you wish you had?

35. What do you do when you are bored?

36. What’s our favorite item you purchased this year?

37. Are you morning person or a night person?

38. What’s your favorite smell?

39. Is your bedroom usually messy or clean?

40. How many pillows should be on a bed?

41. What is an invention you wish didn’t exist?

42. Do you think your sign fits you?

43. Ice cream with cone or no cone?

44. What’s you favorite emoji?

45. What was the first album you ever brought?

46. How would you describe humanity to an alien?

47. What’s your happiest memory?

Still there? Here are some BONUS random questions to ask a guy…

  1. What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard or done?
  2. What was the best compliment you’ve ever received?
  3. What’s the weirdest thing about modern life that people just accept as normal?
  4. What’s the most interesting building you’ve ever seen or been in?
  5. What bridges do you not regret burning?
  6. Who was your best friend in elementary school?
  7. What’s the cutest thing you can imagine? Something so cute it’s almost painful.
  8. What lie do you tell most often?
  9. If you were put into solitary confinement for six months, what would you do to stay sane?
  10. Besides your home and your work, where do you spend most of your time?
  11. What can you not get right, no matter how many times you try?
  12. Have you ever saved someone’s life?
  13. If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be?
  14. If you lost all of your possessions but one, what would you want it to be?
  15. What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?

Here Are Some Randoms Question for You…

We really hopes that these random questions help get you happy about talking to a guy and motivated to get to know someone better. More importantly, we hope that the conversation will be an enjoyable talk for the both of you.

What are some random questions you are willing to ask a guy? Or better yet, what are some of the best random questions you’ve ever been asked? Please let know in the comment section below.

If you are looking for deeper questions see out blog posts on:

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This blog post was all about random questions to ask a guy.