21 Questions For a New Relationship (Number 13 Will Shock You)
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Let’s talk about 21 questions for a new relationship.
Coming into a new relationship could be very exciting. To tell you the truth, it’s a little scary to take on a new relationship, because there’s a growing process.
Asking someone questions could make the growth process a little bit easier and less unpredictable.
You should know that so many people use these questions and actually ask their partner. So here are the best questions to ask in a new relationship.
These are more than questions, they are conversation starters and gateway to getting to know each other deeply.
How to ask questions while in a new relationship?
Be advised not to ask these questions all in one sitting. Besides, there are no wrong answers. You may find that you have similarities and differences. There is no way that a single answer that you don’t like should end the relationship.
DISCLAIMER: We can not guarantee the results you want from your partner. These questions are to get the gears moving in the meaning of your relationship.
You will find some vague, personal, and very intimate questions in this list.
The main thing here is to have fun and learn about your partner. This could be a way to find out who they are and get a sense of what they REALLY want out of a relationship.
Here are 21 Questions for a New Relationship
These are some relationship questions for couples. Relationship questions are key to getting to know your new love.
1. Why did you cry the last time you did so?

This is a really personal question and a good insight to their soft spot. Ask this with compassion and not as a joke.
2. Are you looking for commitment?

This question cuts straight to the chase. Now you know if you guys or going to be an item or just a booty call.
3. What is the most important thing to do on your bucket list before you die?

This is a fun question. Get an idea of their sense of adventure and what they love. This is also something you guys will share in the future if it gets serious.
4. What did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

A funny question to ask someone. If they haven’t sang anything recently then ask… What song is currently stuck in your head?
5. What does friendship mean to you?

Learn about their friends and how many friendships they have and maintained over the years. This will also show that you will value their friends.
6. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

His mother, for a guy, is a glimpse of how he treats women in his life. For a woman, it is most likely the woman she’s learning from.
7. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?

This is a dark question, but interesting to know the answer to their biggest fears. It could be related to the time you cried question.
8. What do you want to do when you retire?

Some ideas for future date nights and hobbies. Who know maybe you’ll have a million dollars by then.
9. Where have you always wanted to travel?

Where do they literally want to go in life? Will they take you with them?
10. Do you believe in God?

Prayer life and religion could be too specific. Ask this question just to see where they are on this.
11. What’s your greatest talent?

See what (or what they think) they’re really good at. Maybe in the future you could find some hidden talent.
12. Who’s the closest person to you in your extended family?

Have them also talk about a favorite memory that they had with them. These are examples of other healthy relationships they have.
13. Have You Ever Had An STD?

If this question is too intrusive, then ask…. When was the last time you’ve been tested?
14. Are There Any Exes Still In The Picture?

This is a crucial question. Find out where they stand. It is better to know the answer to this question sooner rather than later.
15. Do You Want Kids?

Now if you’re relationship is BRAND new, this question may seem creepy. But if you guys are in a deep convo this may be relevant.
16. How do you define cheating in a relationship?

Talk about this and lay down some ground rules for both parties to avoid any misunderstanding.
17. If you had one day left to live, what would you do?

Hopefully, spend it with you. But it is nice to double check LOL.
18. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

Yes, it’s time to get into the mushy stuff. It really brings a positive vibe to the conversation.
19. Do you think celebrating Valentine’s Day is corny?

Some people either like or dislike Valentine’s Day. See what they think about the official lovers’ day.
20. Since no one is perfect, and a man will be a man, do you feel women should perhaps welcome the ideal of being a ride-or-die chick?

Should a woman stand by her man through ANYTHING? Like If he were in jail and locked up for a quarter century…
21. What inspires you the most?

What really lights them up? This is a way to really find out their passions in life.
Let’s take a look at some of these questions and why we put them on this list.
“Why did you cry the last time you did so?” this is a funny question. Of course, if you are asking a guy they will pretend to be this manly “I don’t cry” type.
But when you get to the real answer, you will get a sense of his emotional side.
“What does friendship mean to you?” This is a vague question but it is important because friendship is key to any serious relationship.
Understanding how a person feels about their friends will give you an idea about how he treats his close circle and ultimately, how he will treat you.
Do you believe in God? This is a VERY deep and personal question. And you should be open to the answer given.
This will narrow down religious and spiritual beliefs.
Have You Ever Had An STD? We all believe in sexual health. It is important to know the sexual health of your partner. Especially if you are planning to be intimate in the future.
If this is an uncomfortable topic. Encourage each other to go get tested.
How do you define cheating in a relationship? This question is very important and should be asked before it is too late.
Surprisingly, people have different opinions on what defines cheating. It will be good to agree on this answer.
We hope this will help you get to know your partner better. Remember this is not the SATs. Take your time and know that a relationship is a learning process.
These questions will help get the conversation going and your relationship growing.
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