31 Thoughtful Paragraphs For Your Boyfriend
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This blog post is all about paragraphs for you boyfriend.
If you are looking for the best love quotes or sayings to write in a paragraph to your boyfriend, then you are in the right place.We have the best examples for love letters that will make your boyfriend feel special.
Here are some “I love you” paragraphs that you can send to your boyfriend. We hope you have your tissues ready, because these paragraphs are really sweet and thoughtful.
You could use these love paragraphs for your boyfriend’s birthday, anniversaries, special occasion or just because. They also make captions for social media outlets such as Instagram.
31 Paragraphs for Your Boyfriend

1 You are the other half of me, who have always been there for me, in good times and bad times.. Thank you Lord for sending him into my life..
2. I love to see the smile of My STAR, my day just brightens and my mood gets lifted whenever I see his beautiful smile
3. We have been through some trying times during this pandemic and made it through stronger then ever. You’re my everything. Idk where I’d be without you and our family, you have taught me so much and helped me grow into the best version of myself, your smile brightens my life every day. I love you always and forever
4. I am lucky to have found the one my soul craves. His smile, his eyes, his hugs they just melt me. He knows my faults and he loves me anyway. He makes me a better woman because he believes in me even on my worst day…he encourages me when I feel weak or less than, & He picks up my slack when it all becomes overwhelming. He is my favorite person & team mate. I will spend a lifetime being thankful for you babe, and all that you are… I love you to the moon.

5. I can’t promise to solve all your problems, but I can promise you wont have to face them alone.
6. I can’t thank you enough for being there for me and constantly loving me. You have always listened when I needed someone to talk to you. You have been there when I needed a hug, and you were always a shoulder to cry on when I needed one.
7. I promise to love you every day. No matter what challenges life may bring us. I just want you to know that I will never stop loving you. You mean so much to me and have shown me what an amazing boyfriend truly is. I love you baby. Forever and always.
8. Through thick and thin, you have always had my back and I’m not quite sure where I would be if I didn’t have your love! It is a constant relief to have someone to navigate this confusing and trying world with, and just know I will always do the same for you.
9. His arms are my home His dark eyes my comfort Long conversation are my sanity and oh, his sarcastic humor & the way he puts his head back & laughs as his arms reach to pull me into him…is a happiness I can’t describe
10. If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then will you realize how special you are to me.
11. I just want you to know that I love and care about you. I fell in love with you years ago and I still get butterflies every time I see you. I love being with you and you bring sunshine to my day. I just want you to know that you are a wonderful person and I hope I make you as happy as you make me.
12. You are such an amazing man. I’ve fallen deeply in love with you every single day. You put a smile on my face and make life an amazing adventure. I’ve never loved someone as much as I love you. From day one one you have been my rock and my support system, You will always be mine no matter what.
13. You are the most handsome man, my twin flame, my significant other, my best friend, my partner in crime! You’re my everything! Thank you for being in my life! I love you to the infinity and back!
14. I’ve honestly fallen deeply in love. I want to shout your name from the rooftops. Something as simple as being with you brings me so much joy. When I hold your hand, my heart skips a beat. When you told me that you love me I thought I was going to have a heart attack. You make me feel so good and I want to be with you until the end of time.
15. Years ago I walked into a room and saw you for the first time. I was completely overwhelmed by by your smile, your style and how unbelievably stunning you are. I could barely speak through all the feelings I was experiencing. For the next few months we shared a connection I have never felt before. While we talked and shared our true selves with each other, I fell desperately in love with you.
On a very special day we shared our first date. It wasn’t big or fancy but everything about it was perfect! Today I celebrate because that date was the start of an amazing love story that has no end. I am eternally grateful that God brought you into my life to be everything I was missing. Thank you for the best 14 years of my life and for being everything I need. I will fight to be everything you need for the rest of your life!
16. Your smile is my everything! Meeting each other has truly transformed our lives, so much so that it’s hard to imagine them any other way. Our partnership has helped us rediscover ourselves and given us the courage to pursue the things that make us better and happier.
17. I love you enough to fight for you, compromise for you, and sacrifice myself for you if need be. Enough to miss you incredibly when we’re apart, no matter what length of time it is for and regardless of the long distance. Enough to believe in our relationship, to stand by it through the worst of times, to have faith in our strength as a couple, and to never give up on us. Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need, or want me, and never ever want to leave you, or to live without you. I love you this much.
18. You’re my paradise because every time I see you, my eyes shine so bright and I tend to smile a lot. you’re someone who I would spend the rest of my life with because you’re everything I need caring, sweet, kind, funny, athletic, and rude, which is supposed to be horrible but I love you for who you are not what you aren’t.
19. I fall for you mostly every day because you always smile and it makes me want to make you happy just to see your smile everyday. falling for you is the greatest feeling in the world because I realize so much about you and how special you keep getting.
20. The little things you do makes me laugh, the funny moment we have together makes me feel happy, the goofy times we have makes me feel appreciated and loved. You make me extremely happy.
21. I love you for all that you are all that you have been and all you are yet to be! I love you more than yesterday, and we still got forever to go.
22. You are & always will be the very best thing that has ever happened to me. My life before you came into it seems pointless now. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I love you today, tomorrow & forever.
23. My boyfriend, my heart is bursting with happiness!! Forever grateful and blessed to be yours. I love you! I love you enough to make our iPhone-Samsung relationship work.
24. I look at you and i’m home. i see nothing worse than to be without you because with you my soul feels complete, you are the other half of me and I love you. you are my home no matter where that is.

25. Couldn’t imagine doing life without you. So thankful we met and can’t wait for all the blessings God has I store for us. I love you so much Chris and you are seriously the best man I have ever known. Thank you for being you and loving me the way you do.
26. Wow, a lot has changed over the last 6 years. Our address, our homes, our careers, the size of our family, our savings account. But you my love are constant, steadfast, unwavering, strong, loyal and faithful to the core. Being your wife is my greatest honor and loving you is my absolute favorite. To the best 6 years of my life! I love you!
27. I cannot express enough how thankful i am for you. This year has been stupidly hard for everyone. Both of us have seen our share of bad days. We’ve been stressed out and irritated and sad and a whole mix of other emotions. But even on our worst days you remind me that things will change. Sometimes I cry a lot and shut myself in the bedroom and instead of getting frustrated with me, you stop what you’re doing, come lay with me and try to make me smile.
Last night you put on a movie with me and just allowed me to feel all that i was feeling. Knowing that both of us were having a rough time with the way things are right now. You took care of me and cuddled me and made me feel safe despite how out of control things feel. I might have been too tired for the sappy post the other day but just know your efforts do not go unseen. I see how hard you try every day. I feel how much you love me every day. And i will forever be grateful for you and all that you do. Thank you for loving me in the best way possible
28. Being with you are truly the happiest moments of my life this has been the hardest, weirdest, best year yet and I can’t wait to face the next 60+ with you by my side
29. All these milestones have been accomplished amongst many other great and and not so awesome things that have touched our life AND all during a pandemic. Through all this you’ve made it all so smooth and as stress free as could be, you are incredible & I’m so lucky! I appreciate you every day & love you forever.
30. You make everyday a little bit brighter thank you for getting my coffee ready in the morning, and setting all of our dog’s stuff up before we are out of bed, for being my best friend and always making me laugh, for being the best boyfriend, I appreciate you every day! I love you so so much!
31. How did I get so lucky? I can’t even put into words how much I love and appreciate this man! I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.