77 Bridal Jeopardy Questions (Free Game Included!)
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This blog post is all about bridal jeopardy questions.
This is bridal shower Jeopardy! Well, I’m no Alex Trebek, but I have some tips and tricks for a fabulous jeopardy game that could be played during your bridal shower or bachelorette party.
In this article, we will explore how Bridal Jeopardy works. We will go over different game styles with categories and questions. You will also receive a downloadable Bridal Jeopardy Game.
What is Bridal Jeopardy?
Bridal shower Jeopardy is just like the television game show. Players will answer a series of questions worth money (in our case, points or prizes). The person who has the most money at the end of the game wins.
How to play Bridal Jeopardy?
While making this game, be sure to confirm all of the questions and answers with the couple. That way you know there won’t be any hiccups during the game.

Questions are divided into categories. The easiest question will start at 100 points ranging up to 500 points. Players choose a category.
Teams answer the questions. Questions will be about the engaged couple. At a bridal shower, more questions are about the bride.
- Break up the room into three teams.
- Provide each team with a buzzer, you could use an app. We like Trivia Bowl Buzzer.
- Present the Jeopardy game
- Figure out which team goes first by a coin toss or pick a number.
- Assign someone to keep score.
- The team with the most points wins.

Bridal Jeopardy Rules
There are different ways to play bridal Jeopardy. It could be played on a physical board or there could be an electronic Jeopardy board.
This article will give examples of both. You will be able to download a free bridal Jeopardy game from Bridal Shower 101.
Bridal Shower Jeopardy Board Examples
The board format is easy for crafty ladies. All you will need is a piece of cardboard and some decorations. Glue envelopes to the board.
You could put the question and answer cards in the envelope. Label categories and each envelope, the points that the questions are worth, and then you are done!

Digital Bridal Jeopardy
Bridal Jeopardy could be made in several ways. The easiest way is to use Microsoft Powerpoint. You could make a chart and label them with the categories and the points.
Have each point block link to the appropriate question slide. On the bottom of the question slide, have a link to the answer slide. On the answer slide, have a link that brings you back to the slide with the game board.
This game was pretty hard to make so we have done all the work and made a premium Fillable Bridal Jeopardy game for you! All you have to do is click question, then click the answer, then fill in the custom answer.
You will not have access to a fillable game in our free version. In the free version, players answer correctly by saying it out loud.
The Host for Bridal Jeopardy

The host of the bridal shower is usually the host of the game. One of the bridesmaids could co-host eh game. It is important that someone has all other questions and answer on hand
Bridal Jeopardy Questions
Categories could be vague but questions could get personal and specific. Be sure as the points increase, the question difficulty increases as well.
Questions are decided by the couple and facts about them. There could also be entertainment questions on popular culture. There are soma great question ideas from the He Said, She Said blog post.

The Bride-to-Be
- How old is the bride?
- What is The Bride’s Favorite Color?
- How many children does the bride want?
- When is the bride’s birthday?
- What is the bride’s ideal pet/ pet’s name?
- What is her favorite pastime?
- What is the bride’s favorite movie?
- What is the bride’s favorite book?
- What social media platform is she most active on?
- What is the bride’s shoe size?
- What does the bride do for a living?
- What is her middle name?
- What is her future last name?
- What is her last name?
- What is the bride’s favorite food?
The Groom-to-Be
- How old is the groom?
- What is The groom’s favorite color?
- What is the groom’s dream car?
- When is the groom’s birthday?
- What is the groom’s ideal pet/ pet’s name?
- What is his favorite pastime?
- What is the groom’s favorite movie?
- What is the groom’s favorite book?
- What social media platform is the groom most active on?
- What is the groom’s favorite sport?
- What does the groom do for a living?
- What is his middle name?
- What is the groom’s favorite music genre?
- What is his last name?
- What is the groom’s favorite food?
- What is the groom’s favorite music genre?
- What is his last name?
- What is the groom’s favorite food?
The Wedding
- What is the wedding date?
- What is the wedding theme?
- How many bridesmaids are in the bridal party?
- Where is the honeymoon?
- Aproximately how many guests?
- Where is the ceremony taking place?
- Who is the maid of honor?
- Who is the best man?
- Name the flower girl/ring bearer.
- Who holds the bride’s bouquet during the wedding ceremony?
- Which side does the bride stand on during the wedding ceremony?
- Which hand does the wedding band go on?
- Name the part of the ceremony when the the wedding party walks down the aisle?
- Name the part of the ceremony when the wedding part exits?
- What is the entire wedding budget (aproximately)?
- Where is the most popular wedding destination in the U.S.
- Throw this at the couple during their weddng departure
Love Songs
- What the name of this song….
- Finish this lyric ….
- Who sings the song….
The Couple
- Where did the couple meet?
- Who takes longer to get ready?
- Where was the proposal?
- Where was their first date?
- What month did they get engaged?
- Who was their match maker if applicable.
- who met the future in-laws first?
- Who said “I love you” first?
- Who is on their phone more?
- Who cooks more?
- What is their favorite T.V. to watch together?
- What is their favorite outdoor activity.
Name that Love Movie
- Ariel and Eric (The Little Mermaid)
- Jack and Rose (Titanic)
- Victor and Victoria (Corpse Bride)
- Sam and Donna (Mamma Mia)
- Christine and Gerard (Phantom of the Opera)

Double Bridal Jeopardy Questions
In Bridal Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy Questions is either the team’s total points or 1000 points, whichever is greater.
Final Bridal Shower Jeopardy Questions
Final Jeopardy! The last question of the game. This should be the most difficult question of the game. Here are some examples…
- What is the official/unofficial wedding colors?
- Name the person that is marrying the couple?
- What is the wedding hashtag?
- Name the father of the groom
- How may siblings does the bride and groom have altogether?
- What is the bride’s ring size?
- Guess the bridal shower cake flavor?
- What time did the bride get to the bridal shower?
Prizes for Bridal Jeopardy winner
There is a lot of prize ideas for the winner. Check out the blog post on bridal shower game prizes.
Premium Bridal Jeopardy Game! Edit The Answers!
Get Editable Version of Bridal Jeopardy Game HERE
I’ve gotten so many requests to make an editable version of this game and now it’s finally HERE!
For the Editable Version of Bridal Jeopardy Game Click HERE
When you click “Present” in the upper right-hand corner, you will be able to click each number and it will bring you to the corresponding question, answer, then back to the home page. When finished go to the slide show and begin the fun!
Free Bridal Jeopardy Game (Powerpoint)
Here is your free game. Once you’ve downloaded this game, you MUST open it in Google Slide or Powerpoint.
For customized questions, the host will have to say the correct answer to the players! You will NOT have access to editing The Free version of this game.
You MUST have Powerpoint or Google Slides for free game links to work!
Enjoy playing this game at your bridal shower. When writing this blog post I came up with so many questions that could be a part of this game.
Keep in mind, for customized questions, the host will have to say the correct answer to the players!
Will you be using a digital or handmade bridal shower Jeopardy game?