What to Write in a Bridal Shower Thank You Card
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This blog post is all about what to write in a bridal shower thank you card.
Bridal shower thank you cards are a very important factor in the wedding process. Bridal showers are wonderful events.
It is a time you spend with family and friends as they celebrate you and your upcoming wedding. There will be cake, candy, games, and gifts. All those GIFTS!
The point of a bridal shower is to collect all gifts from the guests. But what happens after the party? Thank you cards.
The task of figuring out what to write in a thank you card could seem tremendous. In order to relieve some of the pre-wedding anxiety,
I have done some research and have some guidelines so that you could tackle that hefty pile of thank you cards.
What to write in a bridal shower thank you card?
When writing a bridal shower thank you card, there are three main factors to remember. Those factors are your relationship with that person, the gift, and their presence. Knowing these details will help you write a thoughtful and personal bridal shower thank you note.

The relationship to the personIt’s important when writing a thank you card. Determine what this person means to you. Depending on person each inscription will be different. What you write to them will depend on who they are and their relationship is to you.
For example, what you write to you mom will be different from what you write to your best friend. And what you write to your best friend will be different from what you write to your co workers.
Here are some examples of what to write to a family member or friend:
Thank you so much for coming to my shower! I love you so much!
[Best friend] thank you for hosting a lovely bridal shower. I really appreciate all you have done. Thank you for celebrating with me! I really had fun!

Thank you note for co-worker
[Co worker] it was so wonderful to hang out and catch up! Can’t wait for next time!
If it was a couples shower, then there are probably some people you met for the first time or did not know very well. These people were likely friends and relatives of the groom and you will need to thank as well. Be sure to let them know how nice it was to meet them and celebrate with them.
Example thank you for new acquaintances:
I really appreciate you taking the time to join us for this celebration!
It was delightful to meet you! I have heard do many great things about for from [groom]. Thank you for coming!
Thank you for such a generous gift! Words can not express my gratitude!
Knowing who your gift came from is important when sending thank you cards. It is important that the gifts are recorded and organized at the bridal shower. There should be a person assigned to record the gifts and who it came from.
There should also be a designated place for cards to keep them all monetary or gift cards in one place. This is essential because it will help you when you are writing your thank you cards later.
If you really liked the gift, be sure to mention this in the thank you card.
Some examples are:
We are so excited about or new [Mr. and Mrs. coffee mugs]. We will be using them just about everyday!
The [kitchenware set] is going to get used so much! We can’t wait to have you over for dinner!
Thank you for the money you sent. We are planning to use it for out [honeymoon]. Thank you for your generosity.
There are some instances where the guest does not bring a gift. You still want to thank them for spending their time.
Examples of thank you cards for someone who did not bring a gift:
I am so happy you came to celebrate with us!
We hope you had a great time! hope to see you again soon!
It was so much fun hanging out with you! it really means a lot to me.
You must send a thank you card to everyone that attended shower and bought a gift. You should send cards to people for a gift, but did not attend the bridal shower.
These details could be included in the thank you card. For example, if someone sent a gift via mail and let you know that they could not attend the shower, thank them. It is a very nice gesture to still send a gift even if they couldn’t attend. So be sure to show them your gratitude.
Be sure to realize if they attended the shower, but had to travel. Showing your appreciation because they went out of their way to attend.
Example for some one who bought a gift but did not attend:
I am sorry you could not come, but I am so thankful for your gift.
We missed you at the shower! Thank you so much for the [wine glasses]!
Thank you so much for sending a gift! I can’t wait to see you at my wedding!
Best Bridal Shower Thank You cards
There are many affordable options for thank you cards. I think it is better to order the tank you cards the same time you order the invitations. That way they could match and go with the theme of the bridal shower.
Basic Invite has a variety of than you cards at affordable prices they have so many girl, dainty and unique designs. I like Basic Invite because you could customize the color and styles yourself directly on the website.
In conclusion, it is important to show your appreciation for their time and generosity. It is important that the note conveys your relationship to the person. Talk about how much you like the gift you received from them. Thank them for attending or sending a gift.
Be sure to trust your intuition when writing in a bridal shower thank you card. Remember your guests just want to know that you have a good time and that they were able to make you happy.
What will are some things you will write in the bridal shower thank you cards?
This blog post was all about what to write in a bridal shower thank you card.