Bullet Journal Spreads
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This blog post is all about bullet journal spreads.
Planning and planners are kind of our thing.. We wanted to dedicate an entire blog post to some inspiration for some bullet journal spreads.
We love journaling. Bullet journaling allows you to write and doodle and really get you creativity going. There are so many designs you could do for monthly, weekly or daily spreads.
What are bullet journal spreads?
A bullet Journal spread is how you design a sheet in your journal. The smaller bullets form a grid and makes it easier to make lines and different designs.
There are several types of spreads that you could make for you bullet journal. These include calendars, trackers, lists, doodles, logs, playlists, checklists and so much more.
In this blog post we will view some amazing ideas for bullet journal spreads. You will see ideas for beginners and intermediate planners.
Hopefully, this post will inspire you to keep writing in your bullet journal and use it as an outlet to free your mind and be in touch with your personal thoughts
29 Bullet Journal Spreads You’ll Love

One of the popular bullet journal spreads are habit trackers. The habit tracker is how people could log the good thing that they do for themselves.
In this example, they numbered the lines and entered the day of the week. and a key of the habits they want to track. The first initial of each habit is labeled at the top of the spread.

Here is another habit tracker, but in a different format. Here you see a calendar with the habits represented in different colors. You could then mark the date square with which habit happened on that day.
On the other side of this bullet journal spread is a playlist page. This is a great idea because you could create your own playlist as they come to your mind. There has been a link to bullet journaling and the infamous K-pop band BTS.
We haven’t figured out the connection, but there are a lot of beautiful BTS Bullet Journal Spreads. In the example above they wrote in their playlist spread their favorite song by BTS. (P.S. Our favorite song by BTS is ‘Fake Love’).

Here is a simple bullet journal spread for Fall. The days of the week are marked and the times are down vertically. This is a good spread for people who have various appointments.
For example, if you have several meetings in one day, this would be a great spread to use. And since there are only 7 columns , the writer decided to use the extra space to daw a maple leaf on the side to make it a Autumn themed spread.

We love this look because it is a very ideal for an every day journal. This spread looks easy to make and there is a spot for important weekly events and weekly tasks. The design also is digitally inspired, which is very cool to see drawn out.

This monthly bullet journal spread shows a sleep log. This is a great way to track how much rest you are getting. This simplistic design shows the first letter of each day of the week. And the times at the top.
This chart is done by drawing a line from the time you wen to be to the time you woke. This spread is really easy to make and is a helpful way to keep track of your wellness.

This monthly spread is probably one of the easiest to set up. For this you number each line with the date 1-30 (31). For the header, you could put important dates or the name of the month.
On the right, you could put whatever you like. In this example it has monthly goals on the opposite side. They could be personal, fitness or professional goals.

This spread is very personal and relatable. As we get older, it is imperative that we keep an eye on our health. Health Tracker spreads like this headache n is very useful. You could even use it for when you go to your doctor if it becomes a problems.
You do not have to stop there, you could also use this spread for other health reasons, like tracking your blood pressure, anxiety and even stress. This could even be used to keep record of your medications and record what you took that day.

This weekly spread is good for a work week or school week. It’s only from Monday through Friday and has smaller boxes just to make some key points for that day. This is a very nice minimalistic weekly bullet journal spread.

Here is a lovely wedding themed spread for future brides. This is a fun count down till your wedding day. Each day is represented with cute little engagement rings.
We thought this would be a nice spread to add some more uniqueness to your bullet journal.

Here is a bullet journal spread for the year. This is a simple count of how many times you do something significant during the year. This spread is called 20 in 2020. Some examples are to send 20 cards, go on 20 hikes etc.

This weekly spread is straight forward. There are reminder check box and a spread for thoughts on the other side. The weekly rectangular designs for the spread is easy to make and is used to take a few notes.

Here is another monthly spread, This is a standard calendar bullet journal spread. you could feel free to add any design or extras that you want.
In this example there is an October spread and it is designed with an inspirational quote and some flowers.

Adorable weekly floral deign spread. This brings some color and liveliness to your bullet journal.

Watercolor themed spread. Now thats nice and artsy. Looking at this bullet journal spread is definitely going to bring a smile to someone’. face. The options are endless when you are bullet journaling.

Here is another artsy looking spread. This is a weekly spread that simply lists the days of the week on one side with bullet points underneath and then on the other side there are some notes and illustrations.

Geometric spread for a bullet journal. We like the simple choice of colors and style. This is something a beginner could attempt in their first bullet journal spreads.

This is a very fun bucket list spread for the fall season. It is so nice how you could have some very easy to do things on a bucket list. This is an awesome idea fro a bullet journal spread.

Festive bullet journal spreads are a wonderful idea. Just look at this one This a cute spread for the start of December. Makes such a colorful eye catcher in your journal.

A bright bullet journal spread may be just what you need when you may be a little blue. This is a nice spread for summer time and has a simple design and even a spot to write some of your goals.

Cleaning routine! This is an amazing bullet journal spread the no one ever thinks about writing down. Very clean and organized.. as it should be.

So you already saw our spread for a playlist, but what about your wedding playlist. If you are a bride to be there will be certain songs you may want to hear at your wedding. Why not write them down so that you wont forget.

Another wedding inspired spread. Take your wedding budget and compile it all into a drawing. In this picture, they made pie graph of all of their expenses. This is a wonderful way to get creative and organized with your wedding.

Monthly calendar habit tracker and goals all in one spread.

Greenery spread with simple bullet point weekly design.

Peaches and bumble bee spread for the month of May.

An inspirational message along side of your weekly spread could make looking in your bullet journal a liberating experience.

Are you always traveling. Keep it organized in your bullet journal. This is for someone who is always on the go. This spread is ideal for people who are all over the place.

This gratitude spread is a wonderful thing. Besides life is not good without expressing gratitude for what you have.

We hope you got some good ideas for bullet journal spreads. You know what? We really admire your creativity whether it be minimal or artsy. Either way its better than just making a note in your phone. We are sure you will create something magical!
Happy Planning!
Featured Image: @bujo4theaveragejoe
{RELATED: Wedding Planning Checklist}
This article was all about bullet journal spreads.