80 Funny and Festive Christmas Hashtags
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This blog post is dedicated to Christmas Hashtags you could use.
Happy Holidays! We’ve decided to make a blog post just for the holidays. This year has been so unpredictable for most of us and it is nice to know that Christmas is just around the corner.
We can’t wait to see some of your festive and happy holiday posts on Instagram. know that your photos/videos and captions are going to be epic! But what about the hashtags? We have a shortcut for hashtag ideas. We are going to help you come up with some amazing Christmas hashtags for 2021
These hashtags could be used for all of your social media platforms. If you are an Instagram user, then you will be able to use them for search and getting discovered. The same idea goes for Pinterest too (use popular Christmas hashtags).
Christmas hashtags could skyrocket your reach if you are doing some sort of holiday giveaway. Or you could use these them for fun on your personal accounts.
In this blog post we will go over some popular Christmas hashtags and some unique ones. We will also help you come up with some awesome holiday hashtags if you are having a winter wedding. We hope that this post fills you with joy and really gets you in the holiday spirit.
We will break it down into 4 separate categories:
- Popular
- Funny
- Shopping
- Festive
That way you will have some range in the Christmas hashtags to use. And you will be able to use this blog post to copy and past your favorites on your post. We have over 20 examples for each category.
Popular Christmas Hashtags

These hashtags are great for brands that want to be found on their social media by using these holiday hashtags. These Christmas hashtags are familiar because they could be from popular songs and phrases.
- #Christmas2021
- #ChristmasLover
- #ChristmasIdeas
- #ChirstmasGram
- #ChristmasLights
- #ChristmasDecor
- #ChristmasDecorating
- #ChristmasTradition
- #ChristmasCountdown
- #ChristmasTime
- #ChristmasTree
- #ILoveChristmas
- #InstaChristmas
- #ChristmasMood
- #ChristmasTime
- #ChristmasCookies
- #ChristmasMagic
- #MerryChristmas
- #ChristmasDay
- #ChristmasSeason
Funny Christmas hashtags

Have a laugh with these Christmas hashtags. These hashtags could be Christmas puns, jokes and a little sarcasm too. You could even get some inspiration from popular characters like Santa, Frosty the Snowman or even Rudolph. Here are some fun ideas for Christmas hashtags.
- #RestingGrinchFace
- #SleighAllDay
- #ElfTaught
- #DeerToDream
- #SantaClaws
- #SantaPaws
- #UglyChristmasSweater
- #HoHoHo
- #ItsLit.
- #LightenUpItsChristmas
- #MerryCatmas
- #ChristmasHumor
- #FunnyChristmas
- #ChristmasIsCancelled
- #ChristmasJokes
- #TisTheSeasoning
- #ChristmasFunnies
- #NaughtySanta
- #RudeChristmas
- #Claustrophobic
Christmas shopping hashtags
What’s Christmas without shopping? One pleasant thing about the season is that you get to go out and spend money in the people you love. Here are some terrific hashtags to use when you are Christmas shopping.
- #ChristmasShopping
- #HolidayShopping
- #ChristmasShoppingSpree
- #ChristmasGiveaway
- #ChristmasPresents
- #ChristmasBaubles
- #ChristmasGifts
- #ChristmasSurprise
- #ChristmasDeals
- #ChristmasFinds
- #OnlineChristmasShopping
- #ChristmasCards
- #ChristmasCrafts
- #GiftWrapped
- #ChristmasGiftIdeas
- #ChristmasCash
- #ChristmasPromo
- #ChristmasTreeShoppe
- #ChristmasClothes
- #EarlyChristmasGift
Festive Hashtags

The way to add festive hashtags to your posts is to make them out of popular Christmas songs or to take some of the best quotes from your favorite holiday movie. You could also use this if you are having a Christmas wedding. Here are the best festive Christmas hashtags to use after your caption.
- #JingleAllTheWay
- #IllbeHomeForChristmas
- #RockingAroundTheXmasTree
- #AChristmasCarol
- #SantaClausIsComingToTown
- #LittleDrummerBoy
- #SomedayAtChristmas
- #AllIWantForChristmas
- #SantaBaby
- #HollyJollyChristmas
- #ChristmasEveryday
- #ChristmasWedding
- #HowtheGrinchStoleChristmas
- #Grinch
- #FrostyTheySnowman
- #RudolphTheRedNoseReindeer
- #LastChristmas
- #DeckTheHalls
- #GiveLoveOnChristmasDay
- #ISawMommyKissingSantaClaus

We hope you like these ideas for Christmas hashtags. Be sure to see what you like and take the extra step of searching some of the hashtags to see what comes up.
If you are not totally inspired, you could just think about your favorite things about the holidays. Like your favorite song or character or even Christmas objects as inspiration for your Christmas hashtags.
What were your favorites? Do your have any cool Christmas hashtags to share with us? Please let us know in the comment section below.
{RELATED: 97 New Ideas for Wedding Hashtags}