113+26 Dirty Funny Names That Are Very Inappropriate
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This blog post is all about funny dirty names.
Have you seen the TikToks where people will order something from a fast food restaurant and give a funny dirty name? The reaction when their order is ready and the person says the name out loud is hilarious. Ever wonder where did they get the names from? Well, here is the ultimate list for you.
Using inappropriate names is not a new thing. They have stood the test of time from modern-day role calls to usernames. Yes, I said roll call. Some of the names on this list are names of ACTUAL people, a few I know personally. You’d be surprised what people name their children.
The phrase “funny names” are searched for a lot online. So naturally, there need to be enough names to choose from so that there is plenty to go around. There are many unique names and names you may have to say to yourself several times to get it.
There are a number of dirty names that take it way too far. I’ve decided to come up with a list that is still filthy but not THAT offensive. If you want offensive, see our article on the 177 Dirtiest Pick-Up Lines.
These are for dirty minds only. Say the name, take a second, and really use your thinking skills on these. So if you are into silly names only adults will understand, then keep reading…
Some of the dirty names mentioned on this list will include the name “Richard.” Now, for those who do not know, the nickname for Richard is “Dick.” Instead of using that I will just use Richard but you’ll get the point.
Dirty Funny Names That Are So Immature

Here are several examples of what not to name your child. Have fun saying these names out loud. You may feel the need to wash your mouth out afterward. Now on to the ultimate list of funny inappropriate names.
1. Ann Al
2. Annie Rection
3. Aneed Seamen
4. Aneed Morehead
5. Anita Cox
6. Anita Hardone
7. Anita Hickey
8. Anna Borshin
9. Ash Hull
10. Barry McKockiner
11. Ben Dover
12. Ben Jackinoff
13. Ben O. Verbich
14. Bo Nehr
15. Bob Maddick
16. Buck Nekkid
17. Buster Cherry
18. Cam L. Tou
19. Chase Cox
20. Chit Head
21. Chubby Cox
22. Chuck McCrap
23. Cina Himen
24. Clint Torres
25. Crystal Methven
26. Dang Lin Wang
27. Dawanna Boner
28. Dixie Normous
29. Dixon Cider
30. Dixon Nas
31. Dolly Teats
32. Dr. Burns
33. E. Jack Ulayte
34. Ernest Stroker
35. Fannie Liquin
36. Fella Longbottom
37. Frank Lee Gaye
38. Gabe Itch
39. Harry Cox
40. Harry P. Nus
41. Harry Richard Seaman
42. Harry Sachs
43. Haywood Jablowme
44. Herman Moans
45. Holden Mikehawk
46. Holden Hishcock
47. Huge Jass
48. Hugh G. Rection
49. Ivana Mandic
50. Jack Eulation
51. Jack Hitoff
52. Jack MeHoff
53. Jen Nottle
54. Jenna Tools
55. Juan A. Hooker
56. Juan Tibone
57. Jure Koff
58. Kenya Swallow
59.Kareem M. Pants
60. Liz Bian
61. Lou Sass
62. Luke Atmyas
63. Major Wood
64. Mark Z. Spot
65. Maya Buttreeks
66. Maye I. Tutchem
67. Mia Harddick
68. Mike Bangs
69. Mike Dixon
70. Mike Hunt
71. Mike Litorous
72. Mike Oxlong
73. Mike Rochburns
74. Mike Yushie
75. Mona Lott
76.Miku Cheese Harry
77. Myra Nus
78. Neil Downs
79. Olive Cox
80. Oliver Clozoff
81. Ophelia Rass
82. Parker Vage
83. Pena Trayshin
84. Phil McGroin
85. Phillis Wood
86. Puma Dickens
87. Richard Cummings
88. Richard Felt
89. Richard Head
90. Richard Long
91. Richard Paradise
92. Richard Shaver
93. Richard Swett
94. Richard Tips
95. Richard Trickle
96. Rusty Kuntz
97. Seymour Bush
98. Seymour Butts
99. Stacy Rect
100. Steve Sharts
101. Tara Dikoff
102. Tess Tickles
103. Vye Agra
104. Wayne Kerr
105. Wang Liquin
106. Willa Benedict
107. Willie Fauker
108. Willie B. Hardigan
109. Willie Stroker
110. Willis D. Holder
111. Woody Harden
112. York Hunt
113. Yuri Nate
114. Yusha Sukdeep
More Funny Names That Aren’t So Bad
Were those too dirty for you? Well here are some funny names cool enough to use in public They are way lighter than the ones mentioned above. You will feel more comfortable reading these out loud around your teachers or grandma.
Sam Sung
Robyn Banks
Petra Fried
Crystal Shanda Leer
Charity Case
Chris Cross
Joe Mama
Chris P. Bacon
DeColdest Knight
Tahra Dactyl
Mary Christmas
Paige Turner
Karen Bates
Shara Tongue
Amber Graham
Here are some funny wifi names.
I couldn’t do a post about funny names without mentioning some of the hilarious wifi names in my apartment building. Here are just a few to get started.
FBI Surveillance Van
Willie Wonka
Yea 1 Sec
I really Don’t Know
It Hurts When IP
Pretty Fly For a Wifi
Get Your Own
New England Clam router
Lord Voldermodem
Nacho Wifi
I pronounce you man and wifi
Keep it on the download
I can hear you having s3x
Bill Clintertnet
What do you think? Are there some names you don’t understand? I’d be happy to inform you in the comments. And I can’t end this without asking for your input.
What is the most unfortunate name you’ve ever heard? I’ll go first! There was a guy I went to school with named Richard “Dick” Shaver. Clearly, his parents didn’t think that through.