EASY And Funny Ice Breaker Questions For Adults
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This blog post is all about funny icebreaker questions.
Time to meet your new co-workers, in-laws or acquaintances! We know that initially talking to someone new could make someone feel like they’d rather be anywhere in the world but here. Those first moments could really be uneasy for most.
Sometimes, speaking to other people can be uncomfortable or even awkward at times and that’s the last situation anyone wants to be in. When trying to start a conversation, it would help if you had some conversation starters in mind.
Well, that’s exactly what ice breaker questions are for. They are basically questions that you can keep in mind and then ask them to someone to help you get to know the other person a bit – otherwise, break the ice.
Ice breaker questions are used in social and professional settings. In professional settings they are a gateway to team building activities.
Sometimes they are used in large group settings. For example, answering a question anonymously and having a person read it and the group has to guess who wrote that answer.
Or in one-on-one situations. Like you are getting to know a friend of a friend at a bar or something.

Why Should You Use Ice Breaker Questions?
It helps both people in the conversation sort of ease into speaking, and the questions are often on topics that can really help not only start a conversation, but keep it going. If you ask them a question about a show they watch, for instance, then you two might be able to talk for hours afterward, and all it took was one simple ice breaker question.
More than helping you feel comfortable and ease into a conversation, ice breaker questions are a great way to have fun. You can even ask them to acquaintances or casual friends to help get to know them more and they certainly work well when at work as a way to get to know your coworkers and help you get to know them better.
Best Ice Breaker Questions For Adults
Here are some EASY open ended ice breaker questions for adults. Use them for work, virtual meetings or friends.
1) Light Side of the Force or the Dark Side?
Hopefully, they’re a Star Wars fan or have at least seen the movies. If not, maybe they aren’t meant to be in your life! Just kidding, but if you’re both Star Wars fans, you could end up talking for hours. If not, well, you should go watch Star Wars.
Just kidding. If you or they haven’t seen Star Wars, you could ask them, if you were a main character in a book or movie, would you want to be the hero or the villain?
2) If you were a season, what season would it be?
This could really have both you and them thinking. I mean, which season best fits your personality, in your opinion? Asking this not only would have them thinking about their own personality, but give you more insight into theirs as well as giving them insight into yours.
This could possibly spark a good conversation about your personality or other likes and dislikes.
3) What time period of history, other than your own, would you have rather been born in?
Now this is bound to strike up a conversation of some sort, unless they’re a fan of modern times more than history. It should be interesting to see what period they would have enjoyed to live in, as well as why. The why is probably the part that will help you get to know each other more.
Finding out why they would have loved to live back in whatever time period they answered will help you get to know more about them – more than most people know about their friends, actually.
4) Cat person or dog person?
This is an age-old classic, so much that’s it’s probably a cliche question. It might strike up a good conversation and it might not, but hey, it gives you and your friend a chance to talk about pets.
You’ll find out if they’re a pet person and if they are, if they like cats, dogs, both, or neither. It also gives them a chance to find out what your preference is and if either of you have pets, this could also lead into some really good, hilarious stories!
5) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
As with the rest of these, the goal of the question is to strike up a conversation at the same time it helps you get to know more about the other person and their personality, who they are.
When they answer this one, you might be able to learn more about their favorite or least favorite foods and it might even start a conversation about cooking or other foods that you have both tried or enjoyed.
6) If you should shape shift into any animal, what would it be?
This is a better way of asking them what their favorite question is. It’s not as cliche as directly asking them and if they really think deeply about the question, then they not only would have to think about what animal they like, but what they would like to live as.
Just because they might love wolves doesn’t mean they would enjoy living in the wild. This could definitely start some interesting conversations.
7) If your life was a movie, what actor or actress would you choose to narrate it?
This is a variation of what actors/actresses would play them in a movie, which is another typical thing to ask. Thinking about who would narrate their life gets them to thinking about their life, what kind of scenes would be in a movie like that, which leads them to think about who would do best in narrating those type of scenes.
Or maybe they would just pick an actor whose voice they adore, like Morgan Freeman or Liam Nesson—I’ll admit; the latter my choice for this one.
More Ice Breaker Questions
Here are some questions to ask after you are over your anxiety and really found someone you clicked with. These are some things you could talk about while you all are chopping it up.
What is your favorite TV show?
Favorite breakfast food?
What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
Favorite ice cream?
You are trapped on a desert island, what celebrity would you want with you?
Tell about a bad hair day or your worst haircut.
If you could’ve given yourself piece of advice at any age, what age would you choose? why?
What is your favorite old or new fashion trend?
What is your zombie apocalypse emergency plan?
If you could meet your ancestors, who would you want to meet first?