Best Wedding Shoe Game Questions of All Time
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This blog post is all about the best Wedding Shoe Game questions to ask the couple.
Cheers to the Newlyweds Now it’s time to celebrate and have some fun! Are you ready for an entertaining wedding game that will test how well the couple knows each other?
Then look no further because the Wedding shoe game exists! If you are the maid of honor, best man, or member of the family you could host this game!
In this game, you’ll ask the couple a list of questions that will have everyone laughing and learning more about the couple.
So grab a chair and two pairs of shoes, and get ready to play! In this blog post, we’ll share some great questions to ask during the game and offer some tips on how to make it even more fun and engaging.
So if you want to learn everything about the game that everyone’s going to be laughing about after afterward, then keep scrolling!

Photo Credit Sam Liang
How to play the Wedding Shoe Game?
In this game typically the bride and groom sit back to back on the dance floor. Each holding two shoes. One shoe belongs to them and one is their partner’s shoe.
The host of the game, typically the DJ, best man, or maid of honor asks a series of questions. The couple has to respond to the question immediately by holding up the corresponding shoe.
The trick is that they have to answer quickly and almost instinctively so that the audience and host see their answer before the spouse does. By the time the spouse sees their partner answer, everyone will be laughing.
Choosing the Wedding Shoe Game Host
You have to have an excellent host for the Shoe Game. We recommend someone who is very comfortable speaking in front of crowds.
And that person should be a form of entertainment. If you watch the wedding shoe games on Youtube, you’ll see how the host of the game is cracking jokes and interacting with the audience as well as the couple.
So that’s why we recommend the DJ if the best man or maid of honor is shy. Just review with the DJ the game questions way before the wedding and make sure they have time during the reception dedicated to this game.
Choosing the right questions for the game
There are several things to consider when coming up with a list of questions for the Shoe Game. This is an important step to ensure that the game is fun, engaging, and appropriate for the couple and wedding guests.
Be sure to consider the couple’s relationship and the dynamic. For example, if they love to travel, what are their favorite destinations and ways to travel? Another example is if they are both into fitness, you could consider their favorite workouts and gym routine.
You could use what you know about the couple and form the questions on what they like to do and what they are passionate about.
You also want to keep the questions light heated. That means not intimidating or embarrassing questions. This game is meant to be fun and no one should be offended by the Shoe Game questions.
Be sure to mix up the questions to change the overall tone of the game. For example, include funny questions, romantic questions, and questions that will reveal interesting facts about the couple. That way the game is constantly bringing something new to the audience.
Keep them broad. Do not include any inside jokes or reference something that the wedding guest doesn’t know about or understand. This comes across as rude and people will feel awkward.
Stick to the script! Structure the questions so that they flow and you do not have to add much else to clarify what you’re asking. Keep questions short, sweet, and to the point.

Photo Credit: Tess Jordan
Wedding Shoe Game Questions
Now that you know how to play the Shoe Game, here are the best questions to ask the couple.
Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Who is needier when they’re sick?
Who has the crazier family?
Who spends more time on their phone?
Who is more likely to max out their credit card?
Who takes longer to get ready in the morning?
Who is the better cook?
Who is more likely to snort when they laugh?
Who is more likely to fall asleep during a movie?
Who has the funnier laugh?
Who is more likely to talk to their pets like they are humans?
Who is more likely to trip over nothing in public?
Who is more likely to win an argument?
Who is more likely to forget important dates?
Who is the bigger sports fan?
Who has the better taste in music?
Who is more likely to surprise the other with a romantic gesture?
Who is more adventurous in trying new things?
Who is the better dancer?
Who is more likely to cry during a sad movie?
Who is more of a morning person?
Who is better at saving money?
Who is more likely to get lost on a road trip?
Who is more organized?
Who has the better sense of humor?
Who is more spontaneous?
Who is more likely to be the first one on the dance floor?
Who is better at keeping secrets?
Who is more sentimental?
Who is more likely to initiate a kiss?
Tips for making the game more fun and engaging
Here’s how you can make the Wedding shoe game more enjoyable for the guests. The first thing is to keep the game moving and not let it drag on for too long.
You should set a time limit for each question or ask a specific number of questions. This will help the game stays engaging and doesn’t become long-winded.
It’s also important to keep the guests involved in the game by asking for their participation or feedback throughout the game.
Another way to make this game more fun is to have wedding guests ask their own questions. An example was when the host leaned in front of the crowd and took questions from guests. They also made sure they were pre-approved by a close friend of the couple before asking them.
So what do you think of these questions? Will you be hosting this game at the wedding? Or will this be a game at your wedding? Please let us know in the comments.
This blog post was all about Wedding Shoe Game questions.