Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
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–Unravelling the Hidden Truth behind the Classic Wedding Tradition
When it comes to weddings around the globe, there’s simply no end to the beautiful traditions. Meanwhile, every culture incorporates a fascinating array of wedding customs. Some may be unique while others not so much.
Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure, it is these arrays of subtle blessings that make a wedding magical. But what if we asked you, what is the most popular wedding tradition of them all?
Well for those who are having trouble guessing, it’s a rhyme that truly never gets old. something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Popular in the western side of the world, you know this is something that brides can’t ignore.
And below, Bridal Shower 101 is unraveling the hidden truth behind the origin, meaning, and more. So, let’s not waste any more time and get right into it.
Wedding Tradition 101: Here’s why you should follow the classic tradition

The world’s famous wedding lines are celebrated today
As soon as you hear the terms, ‘something old,’ you know immediately what the world is talking about. The classic words spell sheer wedding bless regarding what the bride should be wearing on her big day.
After all, myths explain how good luck comes to those who incorporate the saying into their big day. But where did this line originate in the first place?
Understanding the classic origin behind the famed wedding tradition
It wouldn’t be wrong to term this line as a famous wedding good-luck charm. And while most brides fail to follow the plethora of wedding conventions at hand, they make it a point to jump onboard with this one.
Well, contrary to popular belief, this line is actually a recipe derived from another old English Rhyme.
Here, the lines call out four separate components that brides need to include in either their wedding attire or carry with them on the big day.
Research explains how this line takes origin from classic Victorian era. And we dig down further, we realize how its roots stem from Lancashire, a classic English county.
Modern day weddings –why the famous rhyme carries importance

Now, when you actually come to think of it, one wonders why modern-day weddings incorporate age old traditions. After all, aren’t we above and beyond old trends?
Well, there’s a pretty good reason why. According to ancient belief, this particular wedding rhyme isn’t just an ordinary tradition. Moreover, many of the ingredients that make up the rhyme actually have a particular purpose.
Moreover, it’s a significance that is known to ward off the evil eye. And that relates to the myth comprising of passing down a curse that occurs via a malicious glare. And that in turn could be a major reason for the bride’s infertility.
What do the lines mean for the bride of today?
So, does that mean showing ignorance will keep you away from the world’s concept of perfection?
No, that’s not true. As a bride, the last thing you need is more stress. Today, these objects that are mentioned in the rhyme are not supposed to dictate your entire wedding style. Similarly, they don’t work at hunting the perfect ‘something’ for you either.
It’s all about cherishing small tokens of love and appreciation that loved ones like your mother or other relatives give you, at the very last hour.
Breaking down the classic wedding charm with relevant examples
Be it Florida and New York to Texas and Pennsylvania, every bride of today needs to know the real meaning behind the lines. And for your convenience, we’re revealing the literal definition behind the terms below.
Meaning behind ‘Something Old’
In the golden era, something old referred to warding off the evil eye. At the same time, it had to do with protecting the couple’s future children, as it protecting against infertility.
Today, people don’t take it too seriously. Hence, on a more light hearted note, it has to do with representing continuity. And that’s why couples add a sentimental jewelry piece or other item that belongs to a relative.
Meaning behind ‘Something New’
As you can probably guess by looking at it, this line is very straightforward. Hence, it has to do with optimism for the future. As a wedding is a couple’s new entrance towards a wonderful beginning, something new means walking into a marriage with a new perspective.
From the actual wedding gown to the veil, shoes, and jewels- every bride and groom tick this box with absolute ease.
Meaning behind ‘Something Borrowed’
By adding the something borrowed element into a wedding, the couple brings forward an abundance of sheer good luck. For this reason, it’s not uncommon for couples to add in a borrowed element from loved ones across the board.
Therefore, couples tend to borrow something from those already married. This way, they believe their embarking upon the success that holds their bond together.
During the ancient era, brides used to borrow undergarments of their female relatives that had a successful marriage with healthy kids. As mentioned before, fertility is another big deal here.
However, in today’s time, it’s about borrowing your mom’s crystal studs for a touch of good luck while exchanging vows.
Meaning behind ‘Something Blue’

No surprises for guessing that by adding something blue to your wardrobe, couples are again ridding away the pesky evil eye.
And that relates to how the blue color represents purity, fidelity, as well as love. In the past, brides donned blue colored garters, right beneath their wedding gowns. Therefore, that shows how seriously they took the tradition.
Today, brides celebrate this aspect of the tradition by making husbands don blue bows or ties, or settle upon stunning blue hued pumps. On the other hand, if you’re really creative, you can take on the tradition by tying up your invites using blue satin ribbon. Truly, the world is your playground here.
While many terms the evil eye as a myth of the past, this wedding charm continues to reign supreme in countless wedding across the country. At the same time, it serves as an entertaining tradition that follows any holy matrimony seamlessly.
Today, modern brides can honor the tradition by adding their own spin on the classic wedding tradition. Whatever works for you –that’s the theme to celebrate as you put special final touches on your big day.
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