73 Toxic People Quotes For The Emotionally Exhausted
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If you’re fed up with a toxic person, and they have you completely drained. We have some words of encouragement. We have some toxic people quotes that you are too worn out to articulate.
You’ll find that these quotes are spot on and really get to the heart of the matter. These quotes are for people dealing with someone that is toxic. Or for people who need to realize how toxic they really are.
Bottom line… we keep it real on toxic relationships and this list will go far beyond basic self love quotes.
Toxic people attach to anyone who will let them. Toxicity is a sign of an abusive relationship. Removing negative people from your life is difficult, but doable.
Most of the time toxic people are usually assumed to be one’s significant other, or ex, but that is not always the case. Toxic people affect, friends, family members, co worker and people in their daily lives.
In this blog post, you will find toxic people quotes for every role in your life.
Toxic People Quotes That Hit The Nail On the Head

1 “You are a solid person. As long as you know that, then it is never a loss.”
2. “I burn bridges because I CAN swim. Don’t ever think I need you.”
3. “I can’t stress anymore. I did my best to keep us going.”
4. “Don’t be afraid to start over again. This time you wont be starting from scratch, you’ll be starting from experience.”
5. “Toxic people make you think that you’re holding a grudge, but you’re really holding a boundary.”
6. “Be very careful who you share your weaknesses with. Some people can’t wait for the opportunity to use them against you.”
7. “It takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations.”
8. “Being toxic is not cute. Grow up and learn how to love properly.”
9. “Don’t stay in a toxic cycle just because it is familiar.”
10 “Detox your mind, body and contact list.”
11. “Letting go is hard, but it is the only way to be free.”
12. “You should never feel guilty about saying ‘no'”
13. “I’m just not into trying to convince people like me. I always say to myself, ‘It is what it is.’ I walk into a situation knowing that people are either going to love me or they’re not, and that’s OK. I’m just going to be me. You can’t be everything to everyone.” -NeNe Leakes
14. “Toxic people blame others for their mistakes.”
15. “Toxic relationships ain’t it… Ya’ll need to grow tf up..”
16. “An apology isn’t worth anything if they keep doing the same sh*t.”
17. “When they are ignoring you, they are giving you an opportunity to learn how to be without them. Don’t waste that opportunity.”
18. “You don’t need someone who is always giving you a reason to cry.”

19. “It’s okay to unfollow people in real life.”
20. “Sometimes you have to make peace with that you are the villain in someone else’s story. Even if you thought you were doing the right thing. You don’t get to tell them how to narrate their experience.”
21. “Don’t push me away. Instead, expect me to be there for you when you are ready.”
22. “Ladies remember, you can never heal a broken man. Don’t interrupt his karma.”
23. “Toxic people com in the cute shape of a victim. You may want to save them but it is a losing battle. Draining yourself while enabling them.”
24. “I don’t ask anyone to stay. Not anymore. The phone may tremble in my hand, but never again will I beg for someone to love me.” -Melinda Caroline
25. “The most challenging relationship is the healthy one after a toxic one.”
26. “You are going to piss a lot of people off when you start doing what is best for you.”
27. “Sometime you will have to make a decision that will break your heart, but bring peace to you soul.”
28. “Until a person heals themselves, they will be toxic to anyone who tries to love him.”
29. “It messes me up inside that you are not here. It’s like you’re dead, but worse because you’re not. You’re just choosing to be gone.”
30. “Reminder: Just because you’re lonely doesn’t mean that you should invite toxic people back into your life.”
31. “No matter what I do now, there are certain doors I have already closed, certain opportunities I’ll never get back. There’s nothing to be done, I guess. It is what it is.” -Blake Nelson
32. “Don’t reconnect with toxic people just because you are lonely right now. You don’t drink poison when you are thirsty.” _-etoilepoesie
33. “A toxic person only changes their victims, never themselves.”
34. “The truth is that you can not change things by loving them harder.”
35. “Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you.” Christian Baloga
36. “Curate the people in your life like your Instagram feed.”
37. “Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.”
RELATED: How to Fix A Toxic Relationship
38. “You can’t change the people around you, but you can change the people around you.”
39. “When you learn how much you’re worth, you’ll stop giving people discounts.”
40. When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how other people see you. The misinformation will feel unfair, but you stay above it, trusting that other people will see the truth just as you did. Jill Blakeway
41. “I don’t want a toxic on and off love. I want someone who will choose me even when I am hard to deal with.”
42. “Toxic people with a victim mindset are the worse for real.”
43. “You can not heal someone who keeps using their pain as an excuse to hurt you.”
44.”Toxic is when they can’t let you go, but they can’t treat you right either.”
45. “Stating how you feel will never ruin a real connection.”
46. “Instead of staying in toxic cycles. Stay away from toxins.”
47. “Insecure people put others down to raise themselves up.”
48. “The saddest part is not what was done to you, but what you would had done for them.”
49. “Toxic people always complain and want you to agree with them.”
50. “Toxic people don’t care about your feelings.”
51. “Parents don’t realize that their little negative comments really be hurting.”
52. “Losing toxic people is a win.”
53. “Never let someone with a significance of a speed bump be a roadblock in your life.”
54. “Life is too short to spend time with people who sick the happiness out of you.”
55. “Toxic people are so good a manipulating people to thinking that you are the bad guy.”
56. “The only way to win with a toxic person, is not to play.”

57. “It’s so nice when toxic people stop talking to you. It’s like the trash took itself out.”
58. “Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.”
59. “Don’t let toxic friends steal your energy.”
60. “Toxic people are like cockroaches…. Eeeeewwww wtf!”
61. “You’ll never realize how toxic someone really is until you breath fresh air.”
62. “If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
63. “Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles, and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters.” ― John Mark Green
64. “Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do.” -Steven D. Levitt
65. “Toxic people can never put themselves in your shoes. They never feel what you are feeling in any situation.”
66. “Toxic people always come back with an apology after hurting you because they know that you will forgive them no matter what.”
67. Toxic people will alway come to you for emotional support, but when you expect they same, they are not around.”
68. “Toxic people manipulate you and others to think that your were wrong.”
69 “They are gaslighting when they say ‘stop being so insecure’ or ‘everyone knows you’re crazy.’ Stay far away people who say things like that.
70. “They don’t like when you say ‘This is my experience and these are my emotions.'”
71. “Lies don’t end relationships the truth does.”― Shannon L. Alder
72 “Some people will label you as vindictive, unforgiving or even evil for not allowing them to hurt you, yet again.”
― Wayne Gerard Trotman
73. “Apologize when you are wrong. Stop looking for quotes that support your stupidity.”
Remove toxic people from your life. Once you realize that some people are not a positive force in your life, don’t be around them. Trust me… it’s for the better.