Bee Puns and Jokes That Really Sting
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This blog post is all about bee puns and jokes.
Bee-lieve it or not, we have some amazing pee puns and jokes for your collection of conversation enhancers. Use them at your next event or with a friend. These puns are funny enough to create a buzz for the next social gathering.
Bee puns are popular for a number of events. From Bee-themed birthday parties or a Bride to Bee bridal shower, these sayings really are stinger and will give you some laughs.
We’re not huge fans of ACTUAL bees. Especially after the weird Murder Hornet takeover in 2020. But we do admire bees from afar. We can’t knock their hustle. Besides, without bees, there would be no honey.
Anyways, back to the point of this blog post… We will go through the most creative and funny bee-related puns. Use them for captions, event signage, cake sayings, Pinterest boards, and so much more.
Buzzin’ Bee Puns and Jokes

Here are the best bee puns and jokes we’ve found on the internet. You’d be surprised at how many of these will actually make you smile or even chuckle!
What is a bee’s favorite novel? The Great Gats-Bee.
What did the wasp say during his mid life crisis? To bee or not to bee.
Name some singers on a bee’s playlist? Justin Bee-bur, Bee-yonce, and The Bee-sie Boys.
What do you call a bee with messy hair? A frizz bee.
What’s the Queen bee’s favorite TV show? Bee Witched.
What did the grouchy bee say about the holidays? Bee hum bug!
What do you call a bee that is uncertain? A May-Bee.
What is a bumble bee’s blood type? Bee-Positive.
How did the bees celebrate their victory? By giving each other a hive five.
What’s a bee’s favorite candy? Bumble gum.
Why did the bee go to the barbershop? To get a buzz cut.

I can’t bee-lieve it.
A stuck-up wasp is just a plain snob bee.
A wasp is nothing more than a wanna bee.
Always bee yourself! Do your own sting!
What’s more surprising than a talking donkey? A spelling bee!
What did the guy bee say to the lady bee? You are bee-tiful! Will you bee my wife?
What do you call wasps without yellow jackets? A wanna bees.
What do you call an American bee? USB.
Where do bees get their news? Buzzfeed.
How do you win a fight with a killer bee? With a Buzzuka!
Happy Bee- Day!
Happy Birthday, Bee-otch!
Wark Hard. Stay Bumble.
Leave me bee.
Bee well.
Bee safe.
Bee inspired.
We are making a bee-line for the weekend.
You’re buzzin’ cute!
A bee’s favorite sport is rug bee.
Naughty bee children need to bee-hive.
What to the bee do at the pool? Took a deep hive.
What do you call a bee who is talking too quietly? A mumble bee.
What did the bee say when another bee landed on his flower? Buzz off!
What did the bee say to the gossip girls? Mind your own beeswax.
Beauty is in the eye of the Bee-holder.
Bee Puns and Jokes About Honey

Honey, Bee-hold some puns and jokes for the most important bee out there! The Honey bee. We really respect this bee’s working behavior! We just don’t want them to get too close to us!
Why did the bees go on strike? Because they wanted more honey and less working flowers.
What does a bee use to style its hair? A bee styles its hair with a honeycomb.
Show me the honey!
When do bees get married? When they have found their honey.
Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Honey! Honey Who? Honey Bee nice and open the door!
Fun Fact: Honey bees can fly with their wings, but they detect taste with their front feet (Buzz About Bees).
You’re the bee’s knees!
You are one in a buzzillion.
We bee-long together.
Feels good to bee home.
Welcome to our hive. it’s the best place to bee.
Just bee-cause.
Don’t be a buzz kill.
HBIC- Head Bee In Charge.
Bee Puns About Pollen

Couldn’t talk about bees without throwing some pollen jokes in here. We feel a sneeze coming on just thinking about these pollen bee puns.
What did the bee say to its soul mate? I’ve pollen in love with you.
What did the bee say before he knew it was being pranked? You’re pollen my leg, right?
What do you call a bee that works for the government? A pollen-tician!
What did the bee girlfriend say in return? Hive never felt this way bee-fore.
Why are some bees allergic to pollen? Because it gives them hives.
Pollen happens when flowers can’t keep their plants on.
Hive had enough of these terrible Bee puns!
Thank you for scrolling through this endless list of bee jokes. We really hope you found them useful, or at least entertaining. We may have forgotten a few of them. If so, feel free to share some of your own bee puns with us in the comments.
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