Dear Future Husband Letters From The Heart
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This blog is all about Dear Future Husband letters.
Writing a letter to you future husband is something very private special. It doesn’t matter if you are getting married tomorrow or if you haven’t met him yet. A “Dear future husband” letter could be a great way to capture your feelings.
This sentimental activity could be just for your own enjoyment, or you could write them in hopes to one day share them with your future husband. Whatever you decide, writing these letters will be something positive in you life.
Why should you write Dear Future Husband Letters?
Write to your future husband because you love him and are looking forward to the day you get to marry him. Write a letter to him about your hopes, desires and you most wildest dreams.
You could even write a letter to him when you are having a particularly bad day. It is a great way to unwind and destress because it immediately makes you think of something positive… Your future husband!
What should you write in your Dear Future Husband letters?

There are so many things you could write to your future husband. You could tell him all about your life, what makes you tick and even what turns you on (Yeah, we went there)!
The main thing is that you should enjoy writing letters to your future husband. There are so many benefits of writing; like better thinking, providing an outlet and increases gratitude. And writing to your boo will multiply that by 2!
So if you need a boost to get started, then we’ve got you (as always). Here are several things that you could write about in your “Dear Future Husband” letters.
- A prayer for your future husband.
- Fun facts about yourself.
- Your childhood, upbringing and family values.
- How your day, week, or month is going.
- Your life goals.
- Your journey to find him.
- Your wedding day.
And those are just to name a few topics! If you still need a kick in the pants to get started then here are some writing prompts to get you going.
- Write you own wedding vows.
- What is on your heart right now?
- What are your biggest personal strengths and weaknesses?
- How will you show love to your future husband?
- What are your goals for the first year of marriage?
- Make a 21 questions list for your future husband.
If you need more ideas on what to write to your future husband, than see our article on couple’s counseling questions, you may find some inspiration foe your letter.
Dear Future Husband Letters #1
Dearest Future Husband,
I’ve spent most of my life just wondering who’d be and what marrying you will feel like. I’ve thought about your smile, the sound of your voice and it feels when we kiss.
You have been in my mind and in my heart for a very long time and I can’t wait for that one day when my dreams come true. Being with you is like being with my other half, my human, a force that only happens when we are together.
I want to share every part of myself with you. I want you to see the good the bad and the ugly. And know that I love you in spite of everything. Because we may not be perfect but our souls were meant to be one.
I am writing you this letter knowing that if I put something like this out into the world, that maybe some day you will find me. And though I may not be the most patient person. But for you, every second is worth the wait.
I know deep in my heart that our love will stand the test of time. And I will relish the day I get to say “I do.”
Sincerely With Love,
Your Future Wife
Dear Future Husband Letters #2
To My Future Husband,
I hear you in my soul and feel you in my spirit. My heart smiles at just the thought of you. You are my my man, my ray of sunshine, my reason to be better. When I look into your eyes, I suddenly feel safe and understand the true meaning of life.
I know that I could, be self absorbed, jealous and maybe a tad crazy but you bring the best out of me (LOL). I want you to know that what ever problems may be ahead, that we will always pull through if we are together.
With you being in my life, make me whole, complete and on top of the world. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me besides the Lord and I will continue to admire, treasure and value you. It would be a dream come true to be called your wife.
Nothing will ever stop me from loving you, you will be my number 1 and I will do anything that I could to do just to protect you. You’re my world and I will do anything to have you. I can’t wait to be together and to call you mine. I want you to know that I would choose you over anything because I wouldn’t be able to live without you.
You are so special to me. From our first encounter to my last breathe, I will only want you always and forever. And as we approach our wedding day, theres nothing I’ve ever wanted more in this world then to spend the rest of my life with you.
Your Future Wife