Baddie Comebacks That Will Leave Them Speechless
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This blog post is all about baddie comebacks for those trying to mess with your vibe.
Need some savage comebacks, clever comebacks, and responses for an insult? Yes, this is actually a thing. It gets a ton of searches and it serves as life hacks every girl should have in their list of glow-up tips.
Why take the time to think of them yourself when we have the best ones here?
If you are just searching this topic for fun, then have at it. But think twice before using these. You don’t want to intentionally hurt someone’s feelings, you just want them to know that they are being a jerk. Plus when you get older, you may cringe knowing you said some of these.
Disclaimer: It is always the best choice to take the high road when someone insults you. We know that words hurt and that is true for both sides.
Baddies know how to keep their cool and if they have to respond, it is short and simple. No need to go back and forth with insults and comebacks (Ain’t nobody got time for that).
This blog post was inspired by Tik Tok… We recommend you use these as jest comebacks, funny texts, jokes, etc.

30+ Baddie Comebacks to Insults
1. “You’re stuck up”
“Jealousy is a disease. Get well soon.”
2. “You never smile LOL”
“Yes, I do. just not around you.”
3. “You’re Boring”
“And what makes you so interesting?”
4. “You’re such a nerd”
“Thanks for calling me smart, honey.” “I’m not a nerd, I’m just smarter than you.”
5. “Get a life LOL”
“Like yours? I think I’ll pass.”
6. “You’ve changed”
“No I just stopped acting they way you wanted me to.”
7. “You’re Fake”
I’m fake? Well, you’re so fake Barbie is jealous.”
8. “You’re not funny”
“That’s okay because you look funny enough for the both of us.”
9. “Um, excuse me?”
“Oh, did I offend you with my opinion? You should hear the ones I keep to myself.”
10. *Rolls eyes*
“Keep rolling your eyes, you might find a brain back there.”
11. *Talking behind your back*
“If you have a problem with me, tell ME not everybody else.” “Woah, I must be a trending topic.”
12. “I don’t like you”
“Well that’s a shame because my middle finger likes you.”
13. “You’re ugly”
“I tried my best to look like you.” “I’m not your mirror.” “I’m sure 90% of your beauty could be removed with a Kleenex.” “I’m pretty sure that word was made to describe you.” “Maybe you should eat some make-up and be pretty on the inside” “Be careful around fire, plastic melts.”
14. “Why do you always wear black?”
“In case you die.”
15. “You have a big forehead”
Yeah, mine has a brain. How about you?”
16. “You’re so short”
“At least I’m not a giraffe.” “Yes, God only lets thing grow until they are perfect.”
17. “You’re so tall”
“Probably because I don’t want to look at you.” “I’m surprised I haven’t crushed you yet.”
18. “I didn’t ask you”
“So why are you listening?”
19. “You’re dumb”
“Well since you know everything, you should understand shut up.”
20. “Everyone likes me”
“I have multiple personalities and none of them like you.”
21. “B****”
“Corvette, Corvette” “I prefer cats but okay”
22. “Fight me”
“I would hit you but that would be considered animal abuse.”
For those of you thinking “What in the 6th grade is this?” Please tell me how you feel about these in the comments.
Have you ever said any of these comebacks? I know I have (cringe). Talk to me about it in the comments.