Bridal Shower Cupcake Dress And Cupcake Ring Styles
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Cupcakes are a great alternative to a bridal shower cake. They are easy to make and easy to take. There are ways to arrange the cupcakes match the occasion. Bridal showers are all about the details, so having the cupcakes in the shape of a wedding dress or engagement ring would be a fabulous display for your desert table.

In this article, you will find different ways to arrange you bridal shower cupcake dress or engagement ring. There will be directions to make your display and there will be templates for you to use when creating your bridal shower cupcake arrangements. Along the way there are plenty of pictures to inspire you to find the look that you want for your bridal shower.

Pull Apart Cupcake Wedding Dress Examples

A cupcake wedding dress is a fun DIY activity for a bridal shower. Guests will love the design and uniqueness of this treat. Make Your favorite cupcake recipe. You would want 25-35 cupcakes.

You’d want to start with the cake board. The cake board depends on the size you want the cupcake dress. You could find cake boards on amazon HERE

The icing is the most important part of the cupcake wedding dress because it adds detail to the structure. For the most part, the icing will be white because it will be a wedding dress.

The icing needs to be banging! Here is a delicious buttercream icing recipe I found. You will also need a pastry bag to make the icing look pretty.

I like this style for a wedding cupcake dress. It makes about 30 cupcakes and the design is simple and easy to duplicate. Here is a template for a pull apart cupcake wedding dress.

Pull Apart Cupcake Wedding Ring Examples
For the engagement ring cupcake arrangement, you could get more creative with the colors. For example, this style has a gray or silver part with white for the diamond.

You could get festive with your creation. For example, you could decorate your wedding dress with ribbon, edible beads, and flowers. You could do the same thing for the engagement ring style.

Here is an example of a festive engagement ring shape cupcake pull-apart cake. There’s every treat under the sun in this style. There are so many ways you could pull this off.

Here is a template for your pull apart cupcake wedding ring.

DIY Pull Apart Cupcake Wedding Dress
Here is a video of how to add the icing to your cupcakes. There is an art to making the icing come out perfectly. By watching this video, it will give you the inspiration to try it!
So let’s get going! Have fun playing around with the arrangement of cupcake wedding dress and engagement ring. Be sure to use the templates provides and let me know how it comes out. I would love to see pictures of your creations!