First Date Questions That Don’t Feel Awkward
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This blog post is all about first-date questions to ask when getting to know someone better.
If you’re about to go on your first date with someone, then it’s time to take things up to a more romantic level. Well then, we have the ultimate list of first-date questions for you.
Congratulations you’ve passed the plutonic stage, and you’re finally going out on a date with that guy or gal you’ve been eyeing.
You both have spoken to each other enough to know how not to be awkward. However, you don’t know enough about them to really determine if they’re worth your time.
That’s for you to find out on the first date. And to help you out, we have some ideas for questions that could possibly make a great conversation.
Now, remember we aren’t going full-on interrogation here, but using a few of these questions could determine if your date passes the vibe check. So keep reading to avoid that awkward silence during your date.
Best Light-Hearted First Date Questions To Ask
Disclaimer: We are NOT relationship experts, but we have a lot of experience and sources. One of our more reliable sources is “Trust me, Bro.”

1. What do you like to do in your free time?
Set yourself up for success with this question because you get to learn more about your date. You get to find out what they like to do and what they are passionate about. You could find out their qualities and interesting and what they are doing with thir life when they aren’t busy.
2. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
This gives you more insight into their day to day life. It will let you know their sleep schedule and when they are at their highest level of alertness. Then you could see if it is compatible with yours. It could show their lifestyle and their daily routine. This questions is an easy one to ask because it is generally light-hearted.

3. What TV shows have you binged watched recently?
This is a good conversation starter. If you share the same interest in a popular TV show, then this would make great conversation. You could talk about the plot and the characters and get some opinions on what’s happening in the show or what you think will happen in future seasons. If you do not have any shows in common, you could talk about movie genres or gameshows.
4. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
Travel is a very interesting topic, simply because there are so many places to go and things to see. Asking this question not only implies that you like or want to travel, but you also want to learn more about where your date would love to go in the future.
This is a big question because it could lead to further discussion about why they want to go there and what would they do. This will take this basic question to a more personal level.
5. What is something on your bucket list?
See how they really break the ice by answering this question. Asking this could possibly reveal some common interests between the two of you. It can also show how open they are to new experiences in life. It confirms that they like to try new things and explore the world, which can be a very attractive trait.

6. If you could eat one type of food for the rest of your life, What would it be?
Time to be greedy with this question. Who doesn’t like to talk about food? If you really like them, then keep a mental note of their favorite food for a possible second date.
7. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
This question should get the two of you laughing about each other’s lives. This will really reveal your date’s sense of humor. It is a good way to see if they take a chance and tell you something truly embarrassing or if they come up with an interesting story about them that they know will make you laugh.
8. What is your dream job?
This question is a bit more mature, but if you are career or goal-oriented this could be a way to find out their career interests. This could be a way to peek into what some of their life goals are.
9. What are your pet peeves?
This is generally a good question to ask a love interest. Because you could see what makes them tick and more importantly you would find out if you actually do some of the things they don’t like.
10. What are your favorite books?
This will get you to know that types of books to read. For example, if they read business books then they may be serious about their entrepreneurial ventures. If they like comic books could possibly talk about DC vs Marvel. Some red flags from this question are if they enjoy a genre you hate or if they don’t like to read books.
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