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What does motherhood and lingerie have in common? They are on this list of things you did not know about bridal showers….

Heart felt notes to write in your bridal shower card. Some notes could include funny or emotional stories. Or inspirational quotes about love and marriage….

Bridal Shower Fundamentals

Find out who should be on the the exclusive guest list to celebrate the bride-to be.

bridal shower gifts
Top 7 Bridal Shower Gifts of 2019

Premium must-have home goods for the bride to be. Put one of these on your list

The bridal shower is too long. It just plain boring. I hate when they are on Sundays…..

What is a bridal shower? The bridal shower, bridal party or wedding party is a special day dedicated to the bride. This special event is to lavish the bride to be with gifts and love….

This is my second wedding and my friend wants to throw me a shower. My mom thinks it is improper to have a shower. Should I have a shower or do something different?

It does not matter if she’s organizing the shower or an honored guest, the mother of the bride should never feel worried or uncomfortable about giving gifts to her daughter. Here are some