101 Bold Newlywed Game Questions
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This blog post is all about Newlywed Game questions.
Get ready for some fun moments with this classic and hilarious game. The Newlywed game is something that should be on every married couple’s hit list. This game night idea will have you laughing and more importantly enjoying each other’s company.
What is the Newlywed Game?
This game is a fun game for new married couples. This game can be played at the wedding reception or after the wedding. This game is fun to watch because the audience gets to see how well the couple knows each other. The couple is asked a question and they have to guess what the other person said.
How to play the Newlywed Game
This game is similar to the game show. The host of the game asks the couple a series of questions. It is ideal that the couple gets the list of questions ahead of time. They should email you their answers separately. Make sure there is someone to keep score.
In this blog post, we will go over all the parts of the Newlywed game we will even provide a script to get started. More importantly, we have 101 new questions for this game that everyone will enjoy.
We will give some examples using the player names “Tanya” and “Mark.”

Getting Started
The hosts announce how to play the game and get the game started, for example, they could say:
“Welcome to the Newlywed Game! The game is not afraid to ask questions about lovemaking.
Let’s meet our newlyweds Tanya and Mark who’s been married for 5 months.
They met at a party when Tanya asked Mark to dance with her. Must have been some dance, because 2 years later they tied the knot! Let’s give applause for Mark and Tanya!”
*** Use a few minutes for the couple to tell their (brief) love story. ***
Read each question that they’ve answered previously (via email). Have each person take a turn to write down their answers.
Do NOT ask Newlywed 101 questions all at once! We recommend using about 20-25 questions. That way you could pick 5-7 questions from each round we’ve listed.
Calculating points is straightforward for this game. For each question, they get correct that person gets one point. The person with the most points and who knows their spouse the best wins!
Here are 101 bold Newlywed game questions.

Let’s do it! Here are some interesting questions to ask for a Newlywed game. These questions start off standard but turn into juicy and shameless. Be advised that there will be some captivating answers.
Round 1: Easy Newlywed Questions
1. What is their best feature?
2. How many cousins does your spouse have?
3. What is the best trip you’ve taken together?
4. What is your partner’s favorite sport?
5. What is your spouse’s favorite movie?
6. What is your spouse’s favorite color?
7. What is your spouse’s favorite app on their phone?
8. How many children does your spouse want?
9. How many bedrooms are in your dream home?
10. Who takes longer to get ready?
11. What is your spouse’s favorite book?
12. How does your spouse show self-care?
13. How often does your spouse work out?
14. Who is the better cook?
15. Who’s the better kisser?
16. Who is the better driver?
17. What is their favorite pizza topping?
18. Who has the worst penmanship?
19. What is your spouse’s dream job?
20. Who is their celebrity crush?
21. Who has the most exes?
22. What did they wear on your first date?
23. Who made the first move?
24. What is your spouse’s favorite holiday?
Round 2 Newlywed Questions: Personalities and Habits

25. What’s their worst habit?
26. If your spouse were a Disney character, who would they be?
27. If your spouse were a shoe, what kind of shoe would they be?
28. In the morning, who gets up first?
29. Who is more disciplined?
30. What is the biggest way that your spouse wastes money?
31. How would your spouse complete this sentence? “My spouse is pretty good about money, but it there is a sale at ______________, then our bank account is in trouble.
32. Who is more likely to streak in a public place?
33. If your husband found a pair of diamond earrings at the airport what is he more likely to do? Does he turn them into lost and found or give them to you?
34. When your wife gets out of the shower, would she say she dries herself from the head down, toes up, or somewhere in the middle?
35. Complete this sentence; If only they’d spent less time _________ing, I would spend more time ______ing.
36. First thing in the morning, does your husband put on his socks first, shirt first, or shorts first?
37. What is the funniest or most unusual gift your spouse has ever given you?
38. In High School, what were the most popular for?
39. Who is more likely to forget a birthday or anniversary?
40. Who is more likely to tell off a co-worker?
41. Who is more likely to go vegetarian or vegan?
Round 3 Newlywed Questions: Love and Marriage

42. What is the worse thing your spouse has said to their in-laws.
43. How many exes did it take to get to you?
44. What are they doing when they think no one is looking?
45. Who made the first move?
46. Who’s better in bed?
47. Who had the most guests at the wedding?
48. What is your official dating anniversary?
49. Who is more likely to apologize?
50. Who is your spouse’s hero?
51. Who is more likely to start an argument?
52. Who is more likely to initiate intimacy?
53. Who is more likely to want to go another round?
54. Who was more likely hungover on their wedding day?
55. Where is your spouse more likely to leave a lipstick mark?
56. If your husband got to pick your cute halloween costume what would he choose; a hot nurse, hot cheerleader or hot french maid?
57. Complete this sentence; To avoid big trouble, the one thing I learned since we’ve been married to to never ever ____________.
58. What would your spouse say is the silliest thing of yours that they have put on?
59. Complete this sentence; When it comes to dancing, my spouse moves like a _____________.
60. How many of you exes has your spouse met?
61. What is your their worst bedtime habit?
62. Husband, lately in the romance department, would your wife say that you been more like a; second hand man, a minute man or a long shore man.
63. What is the silliest thing you’ve ever done to get your spouse in the mood for some lovin?
Final Newlywed Questions: All In
64. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy together?
65. What is their biggest fear?
66. Husband, lately in the romance department, would your wife say that you been more like a; second hand man, a minute man or a long shore man?
67. What is their biggest pet peeve?
68. Which one of your in-laws does your spouse like the most?
69. If your spouse doesn’t answer your call or text, what are they doing?
70. If on your first date, you were only able to use body language, what would your body have said to your spouse?
71. Would your husband say that his last girlfriend was the kind of girl you pick up at a museum, bowling alley, or street corner?
72. Where would your spouse say was the least romantic place that you got really romantic with them?
73. If you could take your partner anywhere in the world, where would it be?
74. The biggest similarity between your husband and your ex-boyfriend is?
75. Who is more likely to block someone off their spouse’s social media?
76. What would you say is your spouse’s weird fetish?
77. In the past week, who has been wrong more often?
78. What is the most unintelligent thing your husband did on your honeymoon?
79. Fill in the blank; My spouse thinks they are really good at _________, but I’m here to tell you it just ain’t so.
80. The duck says “quack.” My wife during lovemaking says ________.
81. Husband if you were about to have your last meal, who would you want to cook it? Your mother, your wife, or the chef at your favorite restaurant?
82. What is the strangest thing your husband has ever done to your toes?
83. What is the color of the most unusual mark on your wife’s body?
84. Complete this sentence; My wife and I were in a really strange place and we started to get romantic, then all of a sudden ________________.
85. Is your spouse a pessimist, an optimist, or a realist?
86. Who Says “I love you” more?
87. If you could describe your sex life as a dance? what would it be? Ballet, Hip Hop, Salsa or Sing?
88. Your spouse spends $50 on you. What do they buy?
89. What emoji best represents your spouse?
90. What is your name on your spouse’s phone?
91. What was the last thing you argued about?
92. How can you tell that your spouse is mad without them saying it?
93. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done together?
94. Complete this sentence; We are complete opposites when it comes to _______.
95. Name a subject you’ve pretended to be interested in to impress your spouse?
96. How long do think your husband kept the proposal a secret?
97. Who is better with their hands?
98. Name something your wife does when it is that time of the month?
99. Who is more prepared for the future?
100. Who is in charge of the remote?
101. Who is better with children?
Bonus Questions!!!
Here are some more newlywed game questions we came up with last minute. These are very sensitive questions so ask at your own risk!
102. Did your very first love making session run like a well oiled machine, a working progress, or a shaky experiment?
103. Wife if you life depended on your husband answering one trivia question, and you got to pick the category, what specific subject would you choose for him?

Well, there you have it 101+ Newlywed game questions. We highly recommend that you have the couple review these questions separately and get the answers to you before the actual game. We also want to remind you that you don’t have to use all of these questions. Just pick a few from each category.
We’d love to know how the Newlywed game went. Are you going to be playing at your bridal shower, bachelorette party, wedding reception, or other? Please let us know in the comment section below.
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Featured Image by Lubov Lisitsa
This blog post was all about bold Newlywed Game questions.