Funny Shower Thoughts That Won’t Go Away
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This blog post is all about shower thoughts.
Have you ever had one of your biggest epiphanies during your morning hygiene routine? Sounds odd but great minds think some of the deepest thoughts at the weirdest times.
Personally, the best ideas hit while taking a shower. And we will be sharing some of the best shower thoughts that will put you through an existential crisis.
Wondering why this happens? Showers are a safe space where people experience a dopamine high because getting clean and relaxing at the same time will make your semi-distracted mind wander (Thin Difference).
Feeling good and being relaxed presents an opportunity for creativity. And that is why your should leave your notebook or your phone closed when you take a shower.
Shower Thoughts That Are Random, But Valid

Future generations will not know why the telephone symbol is the way it is.
Salsa is a gateway drug to hot sauce.
Everyone human at least 1 human skull.
You don’t know you’re asleep until you wake up.
A middle finger is halfway to a peace sign.
The word “swims” upside down is also “swims.”
Why doesn’t glue stick to the side of the bottle or tube?
When you wait for a waiter you become a waiter.
Knowing you have the next day off is more relieving than the actual day off.
Every child deserves parents but not all parents deserve children.
You’ve never seen an actual whole movie because you are always blinking.
You will always this read wrong.
What color is a mirror?
You will never stand backwards on a staircase.
Biting your tongue while eating is an example of how you can still screw something up with decades of experience.
Monopoly would be more realistic if the person with the most money got to change the rules of the game.
Babysitters are teenagers who act like grown-ups so grown-ups can go out and act like teenagers.
Each time you see a broken clock it tells you the time it died.
There are two e’s in bee but they’re basically silent.
You spend your life just gathering people for your funeral.
The loudest way to open a bag of chips is slowly and quietly.
Something is always touching you.
There’s no way to prove that we all see the same colors.
“What” is a four-letter word with a laugh in the middle.
Normally you empty your drink from the top but when you use a straw you empty it from the bottom.

People used to have diaries and would get mad if somebody read it. Now they put everything online and get mad if people don’t read it.
You can eat half a pancake but you can’t cook half a pancake
Because of the word, “indescribable” everything can be described.
“Don’t you dare!” sounds normal but “Do not you dare!” sounds weird to say.
Finally is pronounced “final-e” and finale is pronounced “fi-nally.”
Why is something delivered by car called a shipment, but something delivered by ship is called cargo?
We passed the anniversary of our death every year without knowing it.
Why is “W” pronounced double “u” when it should be double “v.”
Watermelon candy is often green but with real watermelon, we never eat the green part.
There’s probably someone out there that has a tattoo messed up by an earthquake.
Ice cream has bit more spoons than any other food.
Salt is the only rock that is socially acceptable to eat.
The words “I’m dead” will never be a true sentence.
All moms are bodybuilders.
You could’ve walked past a missing person.
The first teacher never went to school.
We only say “hey stranger” to people we know.
In order to fall asleep you have to pretend to fall asleep.
Ketchup is tomato jam
A spoon made of gold is still silverware.
If you hit yourself and it hurts are you strong or weak?
If you’re being chased by a serial k!ller you’re both running for your life.
If you k!ll a murderer the number of murderers hasn’t decreased.
Social anxiety is just conspiracy theories about yourself.
If you’re the only child you can end the bloodline.
If you have two pillows the top pillow is using the bottom pillow as a pillow.
Technically your alarm tone is your theme song because it starts every episode.
Earth is a wet rock that has been sitting for so long stuff has started to grow on it.
A person standing in front of you is technically the person standing the farthest away behind you.
Lightbulbs were such a good idea that they became a symbol for a good idea.
We don’t check the refrigerator multiple times to see if we can find new food. We check it to see if our standards have dropped enough since the last time we opened it.
if a fly loses its wing is it now called a walk?
If you sweat in a sweater does that make you the sweater?
Any bookmark that cost more than a dollar is a waste of money because you could just use a dollar.
Your brain knows where all of your organs are but it won’t tell you.
your eyeball will probably never touch another eyeball.
The taller a person is the more freaked out they are about a person taller than them.
Why isn’t a group of squids called a squad?
Somebody’s mom has probably used you as a bad example to their kid.
If money is the root of all evil, then why do they ask for it in church?
What if soy milk is just regular milk introducing itself in Spanish?
There’s a different version of you in the minds of everyone that knows you.
Almost every person is undefeated in professional boxing.
if you’re not on your parents’ health insurance, then your manufacturer’s warranty has expired.
How do police handcuff a one-armed person?
If the police arrest a new person do they still tell them they have the right to remain silent?
This blog post was all about shower thoughts.
Credits: Shower Thoughts Video Made with InVideo