Dirty Truth or Drink Questions That Go There
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This blog post is all about Truth or Drink game questions.
Are you ready? We hope you are because this game has no chill!
Play truth or drink by asking embarrassing questions and players have to answer the questions truthfully. If the people you’re playing with don’t feel like answering the questions truthfully, then they have to take a drink (usually a shot).
Let’s start off by saying this is a drinking game. So it is for ages 21 and over. So if you are in high school or early college, this may not a game for you.
Play this game with your friends, couples, roommates, or even at a party with strangers.
We will have some categories for these game questions. We will break them down by warm-up, dirty and extra dirty questions. That way, you could pick questions depending on the participant’s comfort level.

The Ultimate List Of Truth or Drink Questions
Here are the best truth or drink questions. Write them down and put them in a bowl and take turns asking the questions. Or read questions directly from this list.
Ask these truth questions and see if players (including you) will respond. If they do not want to answer then they take a drink. Enjoy the game!
Warm Up Truth Or Drink Questions
Start off with these questions. Everyone will probably be sober at this point so it will be a good idea to start off easy. As the questions progress, the questions become a little more intrusive.
If you could hire someone to do one thing for you, what would it be?
If you ever got arrested, who would be your phone call?
If you were a Care Bear, what would be on your belly?
Have you ever cheated with someone or been the other woman?
What is the craziest thing that you’ve ever experienced?
What is your biggest insecurity?
Have you dated two or more guys at the same time?
Tell the truth are you “talking” to anyone right now?
What was one of the most funniest nights that you regret?
Do you stalk any of your ex’s social media pages?
Have you ever cheated in a relationship?
Who was the last person you texted?
Name your celebrity crush.
Which ex would you take back?
Answer the last time you cried?
Dirty Truth Or Drink Questions

Here are some dirty truth or drink questions. Ask with a group of friends or a potential crush. This may even be fun to play with people dating or in a new relationship.
What’s your type? Be specific.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What physical features of mine are you most attracted to?
Where is one place you’d like to have s.. at but never had the opportunity?
How much money do you think you’d make on OnlyFans?
Are you into foreplay? If so, what?
What’s your favorite position?
Have you ever hooked up with someone you didn’t really know?
Was your last s..ual experience the best?
is your body count over 4 people? if so, drink.
Who was the best person you’ve been with physically? Say names.
Name the people in the room you would kiss?
Extra Dirty Truth Or Drink Questions

These a re some extra dirty truth questions. If you were playing truth or dare, you’d definitely want to do the dare instead of answering these. So in this case get prepared to drink up for these.
Do you like role play, who or what would you be?
Say the dirtiest swear words you can think of.
What is the weirdest pXrn you’ve ever clicked on?
what is your biggest turn on?
Who in this room would you have a three-way yet?
What is the maximum number you’d be interested in having s.. with at once?
How confident are you in your oral s.. skills.
What is the kinkiest thing you would like to try?
When it comes to men, do you think size really matters?
How many times do you masterb… per week?
What is the most erotic dream you’ve ever had?
What is the dirtiest text on your phone? Show us.
Couples Truth or Drink questions

Why would it be good or bad for us to be in a committed relationship?
Are you afraid of commitment?
What is your favorite body part on your boyfriend or girlfriend?
How many times have you been in love?
If I were in a coma, how long would you wait for me?
What is the worse thing you’ve ever said about me to your friends?
What do I do that annoys you?
When was the last time you slept with someone other than me?
How would you rate my oral s.. skills on a scale from 1-10?
Do you love me?
What is one thing you would change about me?
Have you ever thought about cheating on me?
What is your favorite thing about me?
what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done s..ually with an ex?
Which one of my friends are you most attracted to?
Now were these Truth or Drink questions crazy enough for you? If you are still reading this then you either are the most honest person in the world or on your way to being buzzed. Either way, we hoped you enjoythis game. Have a good time! Bye!