What happens at a bridal shower?

Invited to your first bridal shower is not sure what to expect? No worries! Bridal showers are celebrations dedicated to the bride-to-be. Your first bridal shower could be a little nerve-racking when don’t know what you will be doing. Here are some typical things that happen at bridal showers.

There are 4 stages of bridal showers and I will go through each in detail.

what happens at a bridal shower

Stage 1 – Arrivals and Greetings

In the  beginning stage of bridal showers there will be guests arriving. Be sure to leave your gift the gift table and if there is a guest book, be sure to sign it. This will ensure that you get a thank you letter from the bride.

During this stage you’ll introduce yourself or be introduced to others. There may be some light refreshments for you to enjoy. The hostess may come up with some icebreakers to get everyone interacting.

Stage 2- Food and Drinks

In stage 2, this is a chance to eat and chat with other guests. Before the meal the hostess may make an announcement or say a prayer.  If it is a full meal, showers may have the desserts left fourth after the bride opens her gifts.

Stage 3 – Games and Gifts

In Stage 3, bridal shower games are usually first. There are 3 to 5 things that will be played. The games may be in teams or have individual players. There will be prizes for the winners of the games. Depending on the number of gifts, the timing for the games will vary. If there are a lot of gifts for the bride to open., then the hostess may cut the games short so that the bride could get to open all of her gifts.

Stage 4- Pictures, Departures and Party Favors

Once all the gifts are opened, the hostess  will thank everyone for coming and dismiss for the final activities. If there is a photo booth or frame area, be sure to take pictures with the bride, hostess and other guests that you had a good time with. There should be an area where you could take party favors. This is a way to say thank you for attending the shower.


what happens at a bridal shower

All in all, you could expect food, fun and gifts (well …. for the bride). Be sure to enjoy all the stages of the bridal shower!

Who’s bridal shower will you be attending?

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